农村妇女土地承包权问题既涉及到妇女权益的切实保障,也涉及“三农”问题的彻底解决。从法 学理论的角度出发,通过分析阐述我国农村土地承包权的物权法律性质及其特点,着重探讨农村 妇女土地承包权从权利的取得、权利的分割、权利的继承到侵权救济等诸环节所面临的突出问题 及其解决措施,阐明农村妇女土地承包权保护所具有的合法性、公平性和可操作性,为广大农村 妇女土地承包权的法律保护提供理论武器。
The right of land-contractor of the countrywomen not only is related with the implementation of the right of women, but with the solution of ' the three Agriculture problems'. This article attempts to analyze the legal attribution and character of the right of the leasehold of China country land from the point of legal theory. The article is aimed to discuss the outstanding problems related to the acquisition, division and succession of the right of land-contractor of the countrywomen and take a step towards resolving those problems. The article is also intended to clarify the validity, equity and enforce-ability of the safeguard of the right of land- contractor of the countrywomen and provide the theoretical method to guarantee the right of land-contractor of the countrywomen implemented.
Hebei Law Science