裁判公开与审理公开是审判公开制度的两大基本内容,但我国却疏于对裁判公开进行必要的研 究与规制。其实,裁判公开具有丰富的价值功能,各国立法对裁判公开的层面选择并不完全相 同。我国程序立法应当重视裁判公开的多层面性,并在此基础上结合我国的实际情况作出立法 选择。
Public verdict and open hearing are the two main basic systems that constitute open trial system. However, few researches and relevant rules and regulations have been made to public verdict. In fact,public verdict is of many valuable functions, and different countries have made their own choices depending on the different levels of it. As for our country itself, we should also lay emphasis on this aspect in the procedure legislation and thus make a sound legislative choice in the 1 ight of the actual situations of our country.
Hebei Law Science