所有权是一种最为完备、最为充分的物权,所有权制度是物权制度的核心。但任何一项权利都不 是绝对的,所有权也应受到一定的限制。从所有权限制的背景考察和法理基础出发,阐释所有权 应受限制之理由,并对我国所有权限制之状况进行了总结,并指出对所有权的限制与法律规定所 有权制度的目的是一致的,设定所有权的目的是为了解决资源的有限性和人的欲望的无限性引 起的人与人之间对物关系的紧张性,那么对所有权进行限制同样离不开这一目的。
The ownership is the most self- contained and abundant real right; the ownership system is the core of the real right system. But not every right is absolute, and sometimes the ownership should be restricted certainly. Based on the background review of ownership restriction and its legal principal, this paper explain why the ownership should be restricted. At the same time, the author sum up the status that our national ownership have been restricted.
Hebei Law Science