本实验采用继代多年的花培体细胞无性系Hu18再生绿芽(0.5mm)为起始材料,研究多效唑(MET)与其它激素配合使用对试管苗的调控作用,结果指出:(1)单独使用MET对绿芽生长有毒害作用,除2,4-D、GA,外,MET与适宜浓度的其它激素配合使用才能发挥增苗、壮苗作用,其中以MET与BA配合使用的培养效果最好,MET与NAA,C_2H_4配合使用的效果次之;(2)MET与其他激素配合使用不但能降低植株高度,促进根系发育,而且可以延长试管苗的保存时间;(3)MET与乙烯利配合使用能加速绿芽成苗速度,而与其他激素配合使则延缓绿芽成苗速度,如与2,4-D配合使用则延缓2,4-D对绿芽的脱分化进程;(4)在本实验条件下,以MET 2.5mg/L+BA 2mg/L+NAA 0.2mg/L配合使用有利根芽的协调生长。本文还从植株干物质累积,叶细胞结构,细胞活力等方面进行了探讨。
The current paper deals with the effect of MET with plant hormones on the growth of rice regenerated plantlets derived from Hul8 regenerated green shoots (0.05cm) that have been sub-cultured for several years. The results are as follows: (1) Application of suitable concentration of MET with plant hormones (except 2,4-D, GA3) can obviously enhance the green plantlets formation, among them 6-BA has the best effect followed by MET with NAA and Ethrel; (2) Application of MET with 6-BA, NAA, 1AA and Ethrel can greatly reduce the height of regenerated plantlets and strengthen plantlets; (3) Application of MET with other plant hormones will defer the process; (4) Application of MET with NAA, IAA and Ethrel can benefit the root formation and strengthen the root; (5) MET with 2,4-D, deferred the redifferentiation of green shoots resulting from 2,4-D; (6) It is recommended that MET 2.5 mg/L with 6-BA 2mg/L and NAA 0.5mg/L would promote the growth of shoots and roots.This paper will also discuss MET regulation mechanism in terms of plant dry matter accumulation, cell structure and cell activity.
Multi-Effect Triazole, Regenerated plantlet, Hormones