作者参加了 2 0 0 3年 7月在澳大利亚悉尼市举行的第 2 5届国际天文学会大会 (3年一届 ) ,会议期间在第 31专业委员会 (时间专业 )的会议上国际权度局 (BIPM)时间部的首席科学家E F Arias介绍了有关 2 0 0 0年~2 0 0 3年TAI的研究进展、美国海军天文台 (USNO)的D .McCarthy介绍了 2 0 0 3年 5月 2 8日~ 30日在意大利都灵市举行的“UTC的未来”研讨会的情况 ,与会成员就此两项也展开了热烈的讨论。本文介绍了TAI和UTC进展的最新情况。
The 25 th General Assembly of International Astronomical Union(IAU) was held in Sydney, Australia in July, 2003, during which Commission 31(Time) of IAU organized a scientific meeting. E.F.Arias from BIPM gave a report on the progress of TAI during 2000~2003 and D.Mc Carthy from USNO introduced the Colloquium on the Future Definition of UTC Timescale, which was held at Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris(IEN) in Torino, Italy from 28-30 May 2003. The author of this paper take this Symposium of 03' Time & Frequency Guiyang China as an opportunity to describe the main ideas on the progress of TAI and UTC.
Journal of Astronautic Metrology and Measurement