整体意识和大局观念是当今世界刑事侦查战术思想发展的必然趋势 ,当前犯罪发展的趋势和现代刑事侦查活动的特点要求树立整体意识和大局观念。但实践中 ,我国的侦查模式和管理体制存在较大的弊端 ,很难适应现代侦查活动的发展需要 ,有必要进一步改革 。
As for tactical thoughts of criminal investigation in the world nowadays,integral consciousness and ideas of overall situation become the inexorable trend.They need to be established for the present tendency of crime expanding as well as the features of contemporary criminal investigation.In practice, however,the pattern of investigation and system of managemen thave many drawbacks,which are not adapted to the needs of development of present criminal investigation.Thus,reform of these aspects needs pushing forward in the hope that system of investigation is to be perfected in the aspect of thoughts and system in our country.The structure of police can reflect how a government controls its country and regulates the society.
criminal investigation
integral consciosness
ideas of overall situation.