甘肃镇原县博物馆藏北魏青铜造像及其释迦、释迦多宝、交脚弥勒及千佛等内容 ,本文对这类造像的时代及源流问题作了分析 ,指出此造像组合形式流行于十六国北朝时期。这类造像最早出现于炳灵寺第 16 9窟 ,进而影响到云冈、陇东地区。
By a comprehensive introduction to the bronze sculpture of the Northern Wei Dynasty housed in The Museum of Zhenyuan County Gansu Province and its presentation motif of Sakyamuni、Sakyamuni sit together with Prabhūtaratna、cross-legged Maitreya and the composition of the Thousand Buddhas, this article is intend to analysis the date and the source of creation of the composition. A conclusion is drawn by above analysis that the composition as a type of arrangement were prevailed at the 5th-6th century during the Sixteen Kingdom period. The earliest evidence were found in Cave 148 at Bingling Temple-Cave, then the type of arrangement were introduced to the Yonggang Grottoes and other Buddhist Temple-Cave sites along the Hexi Corridor and Longdong Area in Gansu Province.
Dunhuang Research