
武则天至玄宗时代敦煌的三洞法师中岳先生述略 被引量:2

A Textual Research On the People With a Title of Zhongyue In Dunhuang MS Dated From The Early-Tang Dynasty
摘要 对敦煌文献有关中岳先生等资料的分析 ,知道道教的三洞法师等有被授与某某先生的惯例 ,先生称号多取自五岳之名中岳、北岳 ,西岳、南岳的鲜见。某某先生之称号 ,初期是由中央王朝颁发的 ,后来混乱使用 ,偏远的敦煌即有其例证。中原与各地区间、道教组织之间 ,有不少道经和人员等相互交流往来。中岳先生之称号 ,似首先在嵩山附近的道观 ,后来才流行到全国各地 ,道教徒间也相互模仿 ,如在敦煌、长安、嵩山等地均有此种称号。 The aims of this article is to carry out an analysis of the materials of Dunhuang Manuscripts about the people of Taoist with a title of Zhongyue Xiansheng in the light of the established practice of confer the title of the Master of Sandong upon some respectable persons. The title give and receive to the respectable people are adopted from the Five Sacred Mountains in China: the Eastern Mountain of Mt. Tai located in Shandong, the Southern Mountain of Mt. Heng in Hunan, The Western Mountain of Mt. Hua located in Shaanxi, the Northern Mountain of Mt. Heng located in Hubei, and the Central Mountain of Mt. Song in Henan although the Western Mountain and the Southern Mountain are seldom to have used for the title. At the initial stage, the decision rights of give and receive the title of the master of Sandong in Taoism are in the empire court's powers to conferring the title. It was the later-development that the decision right had mix up and have got into a confused station. The phenomenon of the confused state in conferring the respectable titles have been reflected from the Dunhuang Documents. It was also showed that an uninterrupted communications between the Taoist society of the Central China and the branches of organization around different parts of China including the remote location as Dunhuang . It seems that the original place for conferring the title of Zhongyue had been started from the place near Mt. Song by the organization of the Taoist society and gradually spread over to the different parts of China as an established practice.
作者 杨森
出处 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期43-49,共7页 Dunhuang Research
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