本文论述唐代河西地区二都督府建制之演变。凉州都督府的名称、治所无明显变更 ,瓜州都督府曾几度徙置为肃府、沙府。河西二府的管区在武德中变迁较大 ,贞观后趋于稳定 ,凉府管三州、瓜府管二州。河西二府职权扩大为监管迁入其境之吐谷浑、铁勒、西突厥及九姓胡诸族人口和唐廷特授的军事专制。
This article studied the historic evolutional process of the two provincial commanding administrations in charge both military and civil affairs of the Tang Dynasty establishment in The Hexi Corridor: The Liangzhou Commanding Administration and The Guazhou Commanding Administration, the process of changing periodically in their names and the seat of the commanding administer and the scope of territory limits in the numbers of the counties under the control by the two commanding administrations. The manifestation for enlargement of the two commanding administrations in the functions and authority for exercising their duties had demonstrated by the facts that the authority in charging of the populations of immigrants of A-Zha、T?l?s、Western Turks and Toquz-Oghuz, the official dictatorial rights authorized by the empire court of the Tang on the military affairs and the special responsibility for the other exclusive affairs.
Dunhuang Research