小荆山遗址是山东后李文化时期重要的环壕聚落遗址。本文着重介绍了小荆山遗址环壕的形状与结构、环壕内地层堆积。通过分析发现 ,小荆山后李文化时期环壕的西半部利用了自然冲沟 ,东部为人工开挖而成。文章对环壕聚落内居址、墓葬的布局进行了探讨 ,进而认为 ,在山东地区 ,早在七八千年以前就存在着环壕聚落 ,其后的大汶口、龙山文化时代的一些遗址中也有环壕存在的迹象。小荆山后李文化的环壕是山东境内目前发现最早、结构最清楚的环壕 ,它的发现 ,将带动山东地区史前聚落形态及环壕聚落的研究。
Xiaojingshan site is the earliest Neolithic site with moat in Shandong Peninsula. This paper gives a detail introduction to the moat and argues that the western part was mainly based on a natural ditch while the eastern part was artificially made. It further introduces the layout of the burials and house foundations of the site and believes that the discovery of the moat dated to about 6000 BC is a dey issue in understanding the settlement patterns of the Houli Culture in Shandong Peninsula.
Huaxia Archaeology