康熙五十一年 ,穆克登查边定界缘于中朝两国边民私自越界 ,这与两国界河图们江、鸭绿江两江上游至发源地段从未勘界与划界有直接关系。本文就穆克登查边定界尚未清楚的问题 ,提出穆氏是查边定界而非单方面查边 ;图们江源头是红丹水 ;定界碑的最初位置是在白山 ,不在长白山 ;光绪年间中朝两国勘界时 ,所见穆氏所立定界碑于长白山 ,是朝鲜方面将界碑从最初的位置移至长白山的结果。
In the 51 st year of Kangxi reign, Mukedeng investigated and demarcated the borderline because the people of China and Korea living in the border areas strode across the borderline. What caused it was the fact that the upper section of the border rivers, Tumen River and Yalu River,had not been surveyed and demarcated. The paper discusses the following indistinct questions, namely, Mukedeng's Demarcation and Borderland Investigation was not unilateral; the headwater of Tumen River is Hongdan River; the location of mere stone was primarily at Baishan mountain, not at Changbaishan mountain; the mere stone was found at Changbaishan mountain when China and Korea demarcated in Guangxu reign, which was moved there by Korea from its primary location.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies