AIM: To develop a computer-controlled four-way shuttlebox for active avo idance response in the research on cognitive neuroscience, neurophysiology and n europharmacology. METHOD: This system is composed of transducer, shuttle box, stimulator, I/O interface, computer and application software. Windows operating system was used as developing platform, and Visual C+ + was applied for system development.El ectromagnet compatible technique was introduced into the hardware design to ensu re the stability of the system. RESULTS:This system can control the whole procedure of active avoidance respo nse of 4 rats in shuttle box simultaneously.It can automatically accomplish the behavior training,real-time data acquisition and its displaying,and printing a nd saving of the experimental findings, which enhances the efficiency of the beh avioral experiment,and save the outlay and manpower. s CONCLUSION: This system is stable,reliable and easy to operate and has friend ly human interface. The transducers is accurate for detecting animal behavior i n terms of judgment and timing.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation