
中国农村黑龙江省东宁县癫痫的流行病学研究(英文) 被引量:3

Epidemiological survey of epilepsy in Dongning county,a rural area in Heilong jiang Province of China
摘要 目的:对中国农村黑龙江省东宁县全体居民进行流行病学普查,从而提供客观、可信的中国农村人群癫痫的流行病学资料。方法:应用癫痫流行病学调查表,采用随机整群抽样方法,对东宁县内4镇6乡全体居民进行面对面的流行病学普查,应查人口10823人,实查人口10151人,见面率93.8%,所有癫痫患者均经神经科医生检查诊断。结果:81例患者符合癫痫的诊断标准,癫痫的患病率为7.98/1000。50~59岁年龄段男女两性癫痫的患病率最高。癫痫的年发病率为9.85/100000。首次发病年龄在20岁之内的患者例数最多,超过50%的患者在此期间发病。特发性癫痫占79.01%,中枢神经系统感染性疾病是症状性癫痫的主因。最常见的发作类型为全身强直-阵挛发作。癫痫的治疗缺口(没有接受治疗或者治疗不完善的患者所占的比率)在农村地区高达60%。结论:中国农村黑龙江省东宁县癫痫的患病率很高,且以20岁以内发病居多,治疗缺口较大。 AIM:To provide reliable epidemiological data for epilepsy in the rural areas in China. METHODS:An epidemiological survey of epilepsy using the questionnaire recomme nded was conducted among 10 151 of 10 823 rural population from the 4 towns and 6 villages in Dongning county,Heilongjiang Province,China.A random cluster sampl ing study was adopted and all the patients identified were thoroughly examined b y experienced neurologists. RESULTS:Eighty-one epileptic patients were identified.The total prevalence rate(PR) of epilepsy was 7.98 per 1 000,and the age-specific PR was highest in the participants 50-59 years of age.The annual onset rate of epilepsy was 9.8 5 per 100 000,with over 50% of the initial onsets occurring within the first t wo decades of life.As much as 79.01% of the patients had idiopathic epilepsy.C entral nervous system(CNS) infection was the main cause of symptomatic epilepsy. In regard with the types of seizures,the commonest was generalized tonic-cloni c seizure that occurred in 82.95% of all the cases.The percentage of patients receiving no or inadequate treatment reached 60% in the rural areas. CONCLUSION:The PR of epilepsy in Dongning County is very high.Seizure onset m ostly occurs within the first 2 decades of life,and the majority of the cases fa il to receive adequate treatment in this rural area.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期770-771,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 世界卫生组织资助项目
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