
小波变换方法在植物冠层微气象研究中的应用 被引量:12

The Application of Wavelet Transform in Meteorological Study within Plant Canopy
摘要 小波变换是20世纪80年代后期发展起来的应用数学分支,是一种较新的谱分析方法。本文对小波变换方法及其在农业微气象中的应用做了简单的介绍,并采用1999年8月中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所禹城农田综合实验站的微气象观测资料,应用Morlet连续小波变换对玉米冠层内外不同高度温度、风速、湿度数据的变化做了分析。结果表明小波变换很好地揭示了植物冠层内外微气象因子变化所包含的周期分量。 Wavelet transform is a new branch of applied mathematics developed since 1980s, and has been used as a new method for spectral analysis. In this paper, the mathematical background and the application in microclimatic flied of wavelet analysis methods is reviewed, and then continuous Morlet wavelet transform is used to analyze the periodic components of temperature, wind speed and humidity measured by microclimatic methods at Yucheng (36°57′N, 116°36′E, 28m above sea level), located in the North China Plain, August of 1999 when maize was at he grain-filling stage. Continuous wavelet analysis provides a concise and compact information of periodic components of the measurements in the scale-time domain.
出处 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 2004年第1期62-64,F003,共4页 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
基金 973项目"作物抗逆性与水分 养分高效利用的生理及分子基础"的资助 课题号:G1999-11708
关键词 小波变换方法 植物冠层 农业微气象 温度 风速 湿度 Microclimate Canopy Wavelet transfonn
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