介绍了铁路道口信号、公路交通信号并存出现矛盾时的一种解决方法及控制模式 ,就控制系统的组成、工作原理及特点作了论述 ,构成的系统具有一定的代表性。运行表明 :解决了铁路道口信号与公路交通信号不兼容的问题 ,有效地保障了铁路道口区域过往车辆及行人的安全 。
One solution method and model for computer control is introduced when the railway signal is in contradiction with highway signal,in which the forming,working principle and the characteristics are described.The results show that the imcompatible problem of the railway and highway signals is effectively resolved,safety of the passersby and vehicles in the area are ensured.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection