目的 应用骶会阴肛门成形术资料中的高位先天性肛门直肠畸形 ,观察其疗效。方法 采用骶尾部切口 ,充分游离直肠 ,直视下处理瘘管。直肠盲端经耻骨肠环和外扩约肌达会阴行会阴肛门成形术。结果 本组患儿 9例 ,术后能维持正常的排便功能。结论 骶会阴肛门成形术治疗中高位肛门直肠畸形 ,创伤小 ,术后近期并发症少 ,远期疗效良好。
Objective:Analysis of the sacroperineaanoplasty on middle or high section with anal atresia. Method: Take the sacral section, anatomy rectum to deal the fistula under the eye and have sacroperineaanoplasty. Result: After the operation, 9 cases have normal gastrointestinal function. Conculsion: 9 cases without the servere injury and with good effection.
Journal of Taizhou Polytechnic College