赤壁之战“十月”之说 ,既与史料记载赤壁之战爆发前的“盛寒”季节不合 ,又与曹操战前在江陵逗留许久等情况矛盾 ,难以成立 ;“十一月”之说 ,部分受《三国志通俗演义》之影响 ,且不明该年有闰十二月 ,以致折中于《三国志》记载与孙盛的疑问之间。孙盛《异同评》之误解 ,乃因不明纪传体史书中纪、传的不同功能及叙事方法所致。赤壁战役发生时间 ,陈寿《三国志》、袁宏《后汉纪》记载的“十二月” ,准确可信。由此为赤壁之战研究中有关分歧的解决奠定了基础。
What time ChiBi Battle broke out?Someone said it happened in October of Chinese traditional calendar,but this opinion was out of accordance with historical data in which the eve of the battle was a very cold season,and again with Cao Cao stop over for a long time before the battle in JiangLing. Others said in November,but this opinion was partly influenced by the popular historical novel,The Romance of Three Kingdoms,in addition not to know that year had intercalary December,it really compromised the recordation in The Romance of Three Kingdoms and Sun Sheng’s doubt. The mistake of Sun Sheng’s Review of Similarities and Differences was that he misunderstood the different function of the style and narrative method of historical records and biography. The December is right and believable that recorded by Chen Shou’ History of Three Kingdoms and Yuan Hong’s History of Late Han Dynasty. It is a foundation to solve the questions of research on ChiBi Battle.
Academic Monthly