本文所研究的历史段落 ,取于唐玄宗开元天宝相交的 2 0年 ,也即权臣李林甫的执政时期。笔者所持的学术基点 ,在于推进对李林甫执政研究的深度 ,打破长期以来李林甫是历史头号大奸臣的定论 ,揭示李林甫曾领导过法制运动的历史真相。本文以唐玄宗于开元之治之后对政治格局的重新设计为背景 ,条析支撑李林甫执政所依赖的学术渊薮 ,及其相应的执政形态的特征。依次阐述了李林甫对法律和制度的修改和建设 ,法家学说对儒家学说的挑战 ,法制运动的进程以及失败并湮没的原因。
The historical period this paper studies is taken from the 20 years intersected Kaiyuan and Tianbao of Emperor Tang Xuanzong,i.e.,the period of Prime Minister Li Linfu in Power. The author’s academic starting point is to promote a deeper study of Li Linfu’s being in power. He intends to overthrow an already-decided conclusion since a long time that Li Linfu was the Number One treacherous court official in history,and to reveal a historical truth of the legal institution movement led by Li Linfu. Against the background of re-designing political pattern after Tang Xuanzong’s Kaiyuan politics,the author analyses the academic sources supported Li Linfu’s being in power,and the according morphological features of it. Also expounded are Li Linfu’s revision and construction of law and institution,the Legalist School’s challenge to Confucial theory,the progress of legal and institutional movement,and the reasons of its defeat and lost.
Academic Monthly