本文从小说家刘恒改编并执导的电视剧《少年天子 (顺治篇 )》入手 ,探讨了文字功底对影视文化品位的影响 ,同时讨论了由小说改编为影视所带来的种种问题 ,尤其是对小说的冲击 ,认为小说在市场化的图文时代所面临的艰巨任务是 :坚守体裁特色、重视文字打磨。
The Young Emperor(stories of Shun Zhi)is a TV play adapted and directed by Liu Heng who is a famous novelist. The article explored how writing skills affected the cultural tastes of films and TV plays, what questions brought by the adaptation especially the lash to novels. Finally,the article summarized with this idea: in the market economy times when photo language is popular, what the novels face is to maintain its characteristics of style and attach importance to writing skills.
Social Sciences of Beijing