目的 :研究贵州省黔西县少数民族 β 地中海贫血的发病率和杂合子的血液学状态 ,为提高人口素质服务。方法 :用血液学方法对贵州省黔西县 6个少数民族共 1 2 2 3名当地常住居民进行 β 地中海贫血筛查。 结果 :从 1 2 2 3名少数民族中共检出 β 地中海贫血携带者 4 4例 ,检出率 3 6 %。其中 ,以布依族检出率最高 ,为7 4 %。其余依次是满族、白族、苗族、仡佬族及彝族。同时在检出的 4 4例阳性标本中发现 7例疑属HbE/ β 地中海贫血 ,满族 6例 ,彝族 1例。结论 :贵州省黔西县 6个少数民族为 β 地中海贫血的高发人群 ,而且具有显著的民族特征 ,是我国一个较为特殊的
Objective: To find out the incidence of β thalassemia and the hematological status of heterozygotes among minorities in Qianxi, Guizhou. Method: Haematological filtration was used to screen the diseases on a large scale, among the residents in Qianxi county. Result: From 1 223 subjects, 44 heterozygotes were found out. The general incidence of β thalassemia was 3 67%. The incidence of Buyi minority was the highest (7 47%) among the six minorities. Six samples of the 44 heterozygotes were considered to be HbE/β thalassemia. Conclusion: The tested 6 minorities in Qianxi are populations with high incidence of β thalassemia, and with marked characteristics. The valuable information achieved through this research would benefit the improvement of population quality.
Journal of Guiyang Medical College
贵州省科学技术厅资助项目 (1 9991 2 0 1 )
2 0 0 1年度贵州省省长专项基金资助项目