解决台湾问题、完成祖国统一是进入新世纪全国各族人民的三大任务之一。本世纪头二十年是我国可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。只要紧紧抓住这个千载难逢的战略机遇期 ,就会使这二十年也成为解决台湾问题的战略机遇期 ,使国内国际局势最终朝着有利于中国和平统一的大方向发展。和平统一具有五大有利因素和可能面临四大挑战 。
Taiwan Question is one of the three main missions for the Chinese people in the 21st century. To complete it successfully, we must not miss the favorable opportunity in the first two decades of this century. After giving a detailed study of the five favorable factors and the four probable challenges we may meet in settling this issue, discusses what should be noted in the policy toward Taiwan.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)