冷战结束以来 ,国际局势变幻莫测 ,中国的外部环境复杂多变。以江泽民为核心的中国第三代领导集体高瞻远瞩 ,处变不惊 ,完整准确地继承邓小平的国际战略思想 ,科学分析和判断世界形势的基本特点与走势 ,制定了一条既有利于中国改革开放、社会主义现代化建设和中华民族伟大历史复兴 ,又切合世界潮流 ,具有强烈时代感的外交战略 ,在实践中形成了一整套与之配套的政策和策略。十多年来 ,尽管国际舞台乱象丛生 ,面向新世纪的中国外交与国内工作相辅相成 ,运筹帷幄 ,进退有度 ,回旋自如 ,取得一系列令人刮目相看的成就。世纪之交 ,千年更替 ,中华民族和整个人类社会都处于继往开来的历史性时刻 ,中国在国际上牢牢地树立了负责任的和平大国形象。兼顾中国人民根本利益与长远利益 ,同时也兼顾中国国家利益与世界各国人民共同利益的中国外交 。
The world situation in the post cold war period is both capricious and very complex. The same situation faces China in its relation with other countries. Despite all these difficulties, the 3rd leading group, led by JIANG Ze min keeps a cool mind and has made adequate foreign policy to cope with such situations. The policy is both favorable for China's new construction and its reform and opening to the outside world, still it fits in well with the actual world situation. Accordingly, new strategies and tactics embodying the foreign policy have been made. Owing to this, great achievements have been made, one of which is the establishment of China's image in the mind of the world's people. That is: China is a big country with a peace loving nation. It's undoubtedly true that we can benefit more from these strategies and tactics in dealing with the world situations in the future.
Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)