控制下交付 ,是由执法官员参与 ,意在获取有关毒品犯罪的证据 ,保障刑事诉讼的行动。是毒品案件侦查中常用的一项侦查措施。文章介绍了澳大利亚有关控制下交付的立法情况、控制下交付的概念、种类、具体操作规范、实施控制下交付应注意的几个问题。
Payment under control, an operation that involv ed the officials of law enforcement in with the aim to gain the evidence of drug c rime and protect the criminal procedure, is used commonly in the investigation o f drug crimes. The article will give us inspiration by introducing legislation, definition, classification, detailed operative regulations and some issue in con ducting the payment under control in Australia.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College