笔者认为 ,单位犯罪应具备三个特征 :第一 ,犯罪主体的特定性 ,其主体只能是公司、企业、事业单位、机关、团体本身 ;第二 ,犯罪行为的集体性 ,单位犯罪是公司、企业、事业单位、机关、团体的集体行为 ,而非个人行为 ;第三 ,犯罪行为的限制性 。
The corporate crime shall include 3 characteris ti cs: the subjects of the crime is fixed, and they only can be a company, enterpri se, office and community itself; the crime is committed by a group, and not by i ndividual; the crime is limited, and it must be committed by legal agents or rep resentatives.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College