交通肇事逃逸案件中的痕迹物证是指在交通事故发生后遗留在肇事现场的或从现场带走的能证明事故真实情况的反映形象痕迹及相关痕迹的载体和物品。其显著特点有三类 :一是有形的事故痕迹 ;二是附着物痕迹 ;三是散落物痕迹。因此 ,第一接触痕迹是交通肇事现场勘查和研究的重点 ,同时 。
Traces evidence in the fleeing accidents means th e media or objects which are leaved at the crime scene or can be taken to show t he fact of the accidents. There are 3 kinds of characteristics: traces evidence with figure; traces of attachment; traces of falling objects. As a result, trace s leaved by the first touch shall be considered the most important point of rese arch and in the accidents. Meanwhile, they are also breakthrough in the investig ation of the accidents.
The Journal of Yunnan Police College