分析恐怖组织资金的来源、性质和洗钱渠道是金融反恐的关键环节。在充分考虑国际金融反恐形势的基础上 ,反恐部门可以结合我国恐怖活动融资特点 ,着重从以下几方面开展金融反恐 :以反洗钱网络为基础开展金融反恐 ;根据不同时期恐怖组织动向适时调整金融反恐重点 ;
For anti-terrorism in finance, it is a key link to analyze the sources, nature and channels of money laundering of the terrorism funds. On the basis of fully considering international situation and domestic financing characters of the terrorism activities, relevant departments of anti-terrorism in China should take some measures as the following: to develop anti-terrorism in finance basing on the network of anti-money- laundering; to adjust the focal point of anti-terrorism according to the trends of terrorism during different periods; to strengthen international communication and co-operation in this field.