如何界定人民调解协议的性质和效力 ,直接影响到我国人民调解制度的发展前景。符合条件的人民调解协议具有民事合同的性质 ;人民调解协议的生效、无效和被撤销应适用《合同法》及相关法律的规定 ;人民调解协议不具有强制执行的效力 。
How to define the nature and effect of the people's mediation agreements directly affects the development prospect of our people's mediation system. Those people's mediation agreements being adaptable to the conditions, have the nature of civil contracts. The validity, invalidity and cancellation of the people's mediation agreements should apply to the regulations of 'Contract Law'and other interrelated laws. The people's mediation agreements do not have effect of enforcement except in some exceptional cases.