有限合伙在美国风险投资中取得的巨大成功 ,使得近年来我国建立有限合伙制度的呼声愈来愈高。国内相继有关于有限合伙的地方规章出台。通过对依地方规章成立的有限合伙的章程与公司、一般合伙的相关章程规定 ,以及不同地方规章的不同规定的比较研究 ,认为 :在有限合伙中 ,应该允许法人成为普通合伙人 ,并对合伙人数量做出限制 ;取消对于出资额及出资形式的限制 ;对合伙人的权利义务作出明确规定 ;对有限合伙组织的运作进行特殊限制 ;在章程中具体约定有限合伙的解散与公司化转化等。并指出地方规章这种立法形式的不足之处 。
The great success in risk investment achieved by limited partner companies in the U.S.A. makes the accelerating appeal for establishing a limited partner company's system in our country in recent years. What's more, in some provinces, the local governments have set some constitutions to guard the limited partner companies yet. By comparing the particular regulations basing on local constitutions with those normal companies' regulations, the author draws such conclusions as below: the legal men of limited partner companies are permitted to become common partners in the company, but the number of them should be limited; to call off the limitation to the amount and pattern of the capital; to regulate clearly the rights and responsibilities of the partners; to make special limitation to the operation of the limited partner organizations; to definitely establish the agreements on company's dissolution and transformation. The author also points out the shortcomings exiting in the local legislative pattern and suspects the efficacy of the local constitutions which are beyond the limit of law.