预备合并之诉是有顺位的诉之合并方式 ,其构成有特殊的要件。在民事诉讼发展的历史上 ,预备合并之诉的合法性经过了长期的争论。现今各国民事诉讼都已承认预备合并之诉的实用价值 ,但对于它的具体程序仍有不同的学说观点和实际做法。在我国民事诉讼中设立预备合并之诉 ,应当解决如何判断主位请求“败诉”和诉讼费用的负担等实务问题。
The preliminary joinder of actions is a kind of joinder with special structure elements, and in history it's legitimacy was once in question. Now it is acknowledged worldwide, but it's concrete processes and practices are still different in various countries. In China, in order to apply this sort of action, we must solve the question that how to judge the 'loss' in action and allot the fee of suit.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute