朗读是普通话水平测试的一个重要内容 ,本文对应试在测试中的朗读状况进行了一个调查 ,选取声母字和朗读时的换添漏现象进行统计分析。声母字的错误类型包括前高后低型、开头抑制型、临尾爆发型、顺同化和逆同化、因“频”而异型及前颠后倒型等 6种 ;换添漏的错误类型包括结构吸显、结构吸隐、强势词占位、对转迁移及同化换改等 5种。文章对各类错误的成因进行了分析 ,余论部分提出需进一步调查解决的问题及相关建议。
Reading is an important part of PSC (普通话水平测试). This paper makes an inquisition about declaimer who is to be examined in the reading level testing and analyzed the initial consonant and change, accession and miss when someone read something. The error types of initial consonant are more errors in the foreside than the rearward, to be restrained at the beginning of the article, to be added suddenly at the finis of the article, assimilation from different directions, change with the frequency, reversal. The errors of the change, accession and miss include the structure and component to be added or to be cleared up, the words that is stronger than others taking up someplace, transference and assimilation. This paper analyzes the reasons that result in the errors and brings forward problems that should be solved continuously. Some suggestions are put forward based on the findings.
Applied Linguistics