旅游资源是旅游业生存发展的基础。其数量多少、性能好坏决定旅游业的规模和质量 ;其损耗速率有无超越自然或人为更新速率则关系到旅游业的发展是否具有可持续性 ,所以旅游资源必须适度开发。本文在简述旅游产品开发过程的基础上 ,论述旅游资源适度开发的含义及其必要性 ;由此提出 ,为了衡量旅游资源的开发强度 ,须以与旅游资源最大承载力对应的旅游产品允许的最适宜游客容量作为测度标准 ;再以此为参照 ,找出各种客观与主观制约因素 ,诸如自然资源损耗率等自然因素及游客心理等主观因素 ,据此规定附属资源的开发量 ,并以相应的旅游管理措施作为保障。旅游资源适度开发度量指标为旅游规划和旅游管理提供度量依据。
Tourism resources are the foundation of tourism existing and developing. Its quantity and property may decide the dimension and characteristics of the tourism. It may impact tourism sustainable development if the rate of the tourism resources consumption goes beyond the renewable rate of the nature and artificiality. It is highly necessary to moderate explore the tourism resources. Therefore, on the basis of the discussion about the processes of the tourism products' exploitation, which should be pass through the following circulative phases: the products' originality, the products' design, the projects choice, the feasibility analysis, the test-market, the production and such, it expounds the meaning of the tourism resources moderate exploitation and its necessity. It includes following three aspects. First, do not overload the tourism products in order to reduce the consumption of the developed tourism resources as far as possible; Second, do not expand the tourism produces beyond the renewable ability of the relevant tourism resources so as not to use up the developed tourism resources; Third, to make an effect to excavate the invisible tourism resources in order to raise the capacity of the tourism resources. From this, in order to measure the intensity of tourism resources exploitation, it is important to have measurement that are gained by deciding the suitable tourist capacity permitted by the tourism products, which decides the maximum capacity of the tourism resources. We can also find out various subjective and objective limit factors, such as the rate of the nature resources consumption, the environmental quality standard not to impair one's health, the tourist psychological factors, and the stay time which the tourists' willing to stay for, and so on. It thereby stipulates the exploiting amount of subsidiary resources, and should be ensured by the relevant tourism management measure.
Human Geography
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 98310 70 )专题成果之一
tourism resources
moderate exploitation, natural factors
psychological factors