目的 比较微量注射泵持续气道湿化和超声雾化吸入法的临床效果。方法 采用随机分组方法将 12 2例COPD患者分为试验组 6 7例和对照组 5 5例 ,分别采用微量注射泵持续气道湿化和超声雾化吸入法进行治疗 ,并观察其疗效。结果 实施气道湿化后 ,两组PaO2 、PaCO2 间差别均有显著性意义 (t =5 90 2 ,6 6 94 ,P <0 0 0 1) ;对照组的患者刺激性咳嗽的发生率为 36 4 % ,而实验组却无 1例发生 ,二者间差别有显著性意义 (χ2 =2 9 14 1,P <0 0 0 1) ;对照组患者痰阻的发生率为 16 4 % ,实验组为 1 5 % ,二者间差别有显著性意义 (χ2 =7 0 11,P <0 0 1)。结论 微量注射泵持续性气道湿化效果明显优于超声雾化吸入法。
Objective To Compare the clinical effect between continuous airway moistening via syringe pump and inhalation therapy via ultrasonic nebulizer.Methods A study has been carried out on COPD patient′s data of 67 cases in experiment group and 55 cases in control group.Results Post-airway moistening,a significant difference has been indicated in PaO 2?PaCO 2 between these two groups(t=5.902,6.694,P<0.001);The occurrencerate of stimulant cough in the patients of control group is 36.4%,while none occurred in the experiment group.A significant difference has been indicated between these two groups (χ 2=29.141,P<0.001); the occurrence rate of sputum block in patients of control group is 16.4%,while 15% in patients of experiment group.A significant difference has also been indicated(χ 2=7.011,P<0.01).Conclusion The clinical effect of continuous airway moistening via syringe pump is obviously superior to the inhalation therapy via ultrasonic nebulizer.
Chinese General Practice