分析了目前图书馆采用ILAS自动化集成系统软件的某些局限性 ,并根据Excel的优点和功能、详细列举了利用Excel建立期刊订购汇总表、期刊馆藏动态表、期刊发行机构管理统计表以及期刊订购清单制作等方法。
This paper analyzes the limitations of the ILAS automatic integrated system software package by using libraries nowadays, On the basis of the advantages and functions of Excel, the paper enumerates in details the methods of using Excel to establish the chart of collecting information on the subscription of periodicals, the chart of indicating maintenance of periodicals, the chart of registering organizations publishing periodicals and the chart of detailed list of subscription of periodicals. These methods serve as reference and have application value for using ILAS System in the management of periodicals.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture