本文从创新人才培养的特点 ;创新人才培养中应必备的基本素质———信息素质 ;创新人才培养中的一个重要环节———信息素质教育 ;创新人才培养中信息素质教育的三个层面 ,四方面论述了知识经济时代 ,社会的发展需要创新 ,而创新的关键是人才。提倡并推广信息素质教育 。
This paper expounds in detail the fact that social develops on the basis of innovation while the core of innovation is talented people at three levels. The three levels include the characters of innovative personnel training, the possessing of a basic quality information quality, and information quality education. The paper carries forward information quality education, which plays an important role in training innovative personnel.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture