20 0 0年 5~ 7月 ,在吉林向海国家级自然保护区对弃巢的东方白鹳 (Ciconiaboyciana) 4枚卵进行人工孵化及育雏研究。在孵化期温度 37 4~ 37 6℃ ,湿度 4 5%~ 55% ;出雏期温度 37 2~ 37℃ ,湿度 6 0 %~ 6 5% ,同时严格了翻卵、晾卵、通风、换气等技术指标 ,孵化成功率 10 0 %。在设定的温度、湿度、光照及保证食物供给的条件下进行育雏 ,对 1~ 30日龄的幼雏进行连续的测量及观察 ,结果表明 。
From May to July,2000,we studied the incubation and raising of Oriental White St ork(Ciconia boyciana)in Xianghai Nature Reserve of Jilin province.During the hatching days,the incubator temperature was maintained at 37\^4-37 6℃ with hu midity 45%-55%.Just before the squabs were coming,the temperature was adjusted to 37 2-37℃,and humidity modified to 60%-65%.Meanwhile,particular care was g iven to tedding,cooling,airing the eggs and ventilation.A incubation rate of 100 % was achieved.Chicks were raised under the condition of controlled temperature, humidity and sufficient food.Thirty days after their birth,we measured and obser ved the squabs continuously,and found that growth of these young chicks is simil ar to those in the wild.
Chinese Journal of Zoology