

Studies on BG/PHBV co-combined with cultured osteoblasts in vitro, liufeng
摘要 目的用生物活性玻璃BG/聚羟基烷酸酯PHBV复合多孔支架材料与骨髓基质细胞来源的成骨细胞体外复合培养了解其生物相容性,为骨组织工程支架材料选择提供依据。方法:将体外培养的兔骨髓基质细胞诱导分化的成骨细胞,与BG/PHBV复合多孔支架材料体外复合培养,对复合体进行形态学、扫描电镜、细胞增长能力的测定,评价细胞与材料的相容性。结果:骨髓基质细胞有较强的向成骨细胞分化和繁殖能力成骨细胞与BG/PHBV复合多孔支架材料体外复合培养8d,分布于支架材料的成骨细胞迅速分化增殖,分泌细胞外基质并形成钙结节。结论:骨髓基质细胞是骨组织种子细胞的良好来源BG/PHBV复合多孔支架材料与成骨细胞具有良好的生物相容性,是构建组织工程骨的一种理想支架材料。 Objective: To investigate the feasibility of BG/PHBV as scaffold material in bone tissue engineering. Methods: Osteoblasts which were derived from bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) of new zealand rabbits were cultured as seeding cells, then the cells were co-cultured with BG/PHBV and HA/PHBV in vitro. The cells-material complex was observed under phase microscope, electronic scanning microscope and tests of MTT and their biocompatibility was evaluated. Results: Experiments on growth and differention characteristics of cultured MSCs strongly proved the cells stem cell nature. Eight hours after co-culture, the osteoblasts were adhered to BG/PHBV. Seven days later, the osteoblasts dfferentiated and proliferated in BG/PHBV. Extracellular matrix was secreted and calcium nodes were formed among osteoblasts. Conclusion: Bone marrow stromal cells are good seeding cells and BG/PHBV is a good scaffold material for the bone tissue engineering.
出处 《山东大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2004年第1期63-66,共4页 Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences
关键词 细胞 培养的 成骨细胞 骨髓基质细胞 生物相容性材料 组织工程 Cells, cultured Osteoblasts Bone marrow stromal cells Biocompatible materials Tissue engineering
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