作为一种被动性的过滤型渔具 ,对张网渔具本身的选择性特点和选择性模型研究很少。通过介绍几种过滤型渔具选择性模型 :Logistic、LogLog、CLogLog、Richard和Probit模型 ,并运用套网法作为试验方法 ,极大似然估计法作为模型参数确定方法进行张网渔具的选择性试验 ,分别对各模型进行了分析 ,结果显示各模型之间没有显著性差异。由于Logistic模型AIC值较小 ,且是传统上运用最为广泛的选择性模型 ,因此作者认为可以作为张网渔具选择性模型。同时探讨了套网法、套网网目大小。
Stow net, which is a kind of passive filter fishing gear, was seldom carried cut research on the selectivity model. Some selectivie models of filter fishing gear are introduced in this paper, including the Logistic, LogLog, CLogLog, Richard and Probit models. Then the parameters of these models are estimated through the selectivity experiment of stow net by using the cover net method as the experimental method and the maximum likelihood estimation method as the analytic method. The results of the experiment showed that there was no significant difference among those models. Because the AIC value of the Logistic model is relatively smaller than the other models and the model is the conventional model used in researches on selectivity of fishing gear, the Logistic model was defined as the selectivity model of stow net in our research. Finally, the influence of some factors on the definition of selectivity, such as the cover net method, the mesh size of the cover net, between-haul variance and different analytic methods which were used to estimate the parameters of the models was discussed.
Marine Fisheries
上海市教委捕捞学重点学科建设项目 (科 0 2 115 )