2 0世纪 70年代末 ,北京魏公村形成了新疆街 /新疆村 ,它有空间的历史基础。元朝将都城由前朝京西南莲花池水系向北高粱河水系的转移 ,使燕京西郊的畏兀人聚落置于大都城郊 ,并形成元廷畏兀儿仕宦家族陵园。明朝都城的南移又使之位于郊外 ,至清代萧落。其居民或伊斯兰化或融入当地人群。但这一地名得以延续 ,成为其后辈遗产记忆和意义调动的符号资源。
The end of 1970 times, the Xinjiang street(or Xinjiang village) of Beijing had come into been in Beijing's Weigong village. It has historical dimensional foundation. At the Yuan dynasty, the capital had been moved from the former water systerm.Lianhua pond on Yanjing the southwest to the north water systerm Gaolianghe, it took the Weiwu village on the west in Yanjing to sat the brim of Yuan Dadu city, and engendered Weiwu family the official cemetery of Yuan dynasty. But the capital been moved to south by Ming dynasty, the Weiwu village left for environs again, and it declined in Qing dynasty. Weiwu of people gradually turned to Musilin or dissolved into indigene. But this placename been all along continued. It has become signal and symbolistic resource for its posterity about memory of heritage and mobilize of sense .The research on history should attention the perceptive history of anima for sense.
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)