目的 探讨黄斑色素 (macular pigment,MP)与黄斑区视锥细胞功能的相互关系。 方法 对临床确诊的 16例 Stargardt患者的 32只眼 ,3例黄斑裂孔患者的 3只眼用激光扫描检眼镜 (scanninglaserophthalmoscope,SL O)进行黄斑区 MP密度的检测。通过 SL O的氩激光蓝色及红外波段进行 MP的诊断与密度分级。用自编的计算机 C+ + 程序进行 MP密度评估 ,并将 MP分为完整 MP、部分 MP及 MP缺失 3级。对比分析 MP分级与 Snellen视力检查结果的相互关系。 结果 视力低于 2 0 / 2 0 0的 13只眼全部表现为 MP缺失 ;视力等于或高于 2 0 / 4 0的 11只中 10只眼表现为完整 MP,1只眼表现为部分 MP;视力介于两者之间的 11只眼表现为部分 MP。检测结果无病种间的差别。 结论 MP与患者的视力密切相关 ,是黄斑区视锥细胞功能完整的标志。
Objective To test the hypothesis that the macular pigment may be a marker of foveal cone function and consequently the structural integrity of foveal cones. Methods Sixteen patients (32 eyes) diagnosed to have Stargardt dystrophy and three patients with full thickness macular holes by clinical criteria were studied with a scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (SLO) comparing argon laser blue and infra-red images for the presence or absence of macular pigment (MP) in the fovea. An C ++ computer based program was used to evaluate the density of MP. Eyes were graded into three categories: those without foveal macular pigment, those with partial pigment and those with normal amounts of macular pigment. These categories were compared with visual acuity determined by the Snellen chart. Results Thirteen eyes with a visual acuity of 20/200 or worse had no macular pigment in the fovea. Eleven eyes with visual acuity of 20/40 or better had a normal amount of macular pigment in the fovea and 1 eye had partial macular pigment. Eleven eyes with partial macular pigment had intermediary acuity value. Conclusions Foveal macular pigment is closely related to foveal cone acuity and therefore may be a marker for the presence of foveal cones. Infrared light is a sensitive indicator of early macular diseases
Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
Macular lutea/physiopathology
Retinal perforations/diagnosis
Stargardt disease
Pigment epitheliu of Eye