目的 建立同种异体小鼠眼内黑色素瘤模型 ,并观察其基本病理特征。 方法 昆明小鼠共36只 ,分为前房组、玻璃体腔组和足背皮下组 ,每组各 12只。分别接种黑色素瘤 B16 F10细胞于小鼠右眼前房、右眼玻璃体腔或右足背皮下 ,然后对肿瘤的发生率、肿瘤眼溃破时间及瘤体的基本病理特征等进行连续 32 d的观察 ,并作统计学分析。最后作小鼠肿瘤相关器官的病理解剖及组织切片观察。 结果 昆明小鼠移植性黑色素瘤的发生率分别为前房组 12 / 12只眼 ,玻璃体腔组 11/ 11只眼和足背皮下 2 / 12只鼠。前 2组的肿瘤发生率明显较高 (χ2 =17.14 3,P=0 .0 0 0 ;χ2 =16 .2 18,P=0 .0 0 0 )。前房组移植瘤比玻璃体腔组较早溃破眼球 (L og Rank=18.2 2 ,P=0 .0 0 0 ) ,其后肿瘤在眶内生长时均可见有被排斥而脱落的现象。32 d后 ,玻璃体腔组移植瘤平均直径较足背皮下组大 (t=3.32 2 ,P=0 .0 0 3)。在肿瘤切片观察中 ,眼内肿瘤未见坏死灶 ,而皮下肿瘤中央可见有大片坏死灶。 结论 该模型的建立方法简便 ,重复性好 ,在一定程度上可模拟人类眼内黑色素瘤的生物学行为 ,为进一步研究其发生与发展机制提供了一种模型。
Objective To establish an allogenic intraocular melanoma model and observe its pathological features. Methods Thirty-six kunming mice were devided randomly into 3 groups with 12 ones in each, and allogeneic melanoma cells B16F10(C57BL16) were inoculated into the anterior chamber (AC), vitreous cavity (VC) of right eyes and under the skin (subcutaneous, SC) of the back of right feet of each grup respectively. The incidence of tumor occurance, time of breaking through the eyeball and other general pathologic features of the tumor were observed by slip-lamp biomicroscopy and operating microscopy for continuous 32 days, and the results were statistically analyzed. Pathological examination was given for tumors at last. Results The incidence of tumor occurance in both AC (12/12 eyes) and VC group (11/11 eyes) was higher than that in SC group (2/12 feet)( χ 2 =17.143, P =0.000; χ 2 =16.218, P =0.000) . The time of eyeball diabrosis was 11-13 days in AC group and 13-32 days in VC group, and there was significant difference between these two groups (Log Rank=18.22, P =0.000). The intraocular melanomas could grow progressively, but reduced and fell off when they broke through eyeball and grew in orbit for a period. The average diameter of the tumor after 32 days after inoculation was (2.27±1.97) mm in AC group,(3.82±1.85) mm in VC group and (0.94±2.27) mm in SC group. There was significant difference between VC and SC group ( t =3.322, P =0.003). In pathohistological examination, tumor tissue necrosis could be observed at the center of the subcutaneous melanomas but not in intraocular melanomas. Conclusions Allogeneic intraocular melanoma model is successfully established which is convenient, repeatable, and helpful to studying the mechanism of genesis and development of this tumor.
Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39970 2 50 )
广东省医学科研基金资助项目 (A2 0 0 2 353)