目的 总结牙外科正畸术的临床应用效果 ,以指导临床工作。方法 对 2 18例成年人前牙列畸形患者施行钻隙加牙间骨截开复位手术矫治 ,观察术后效果和并发症。结果 术后患者牙列、牙合关系及面容均获得明显改善 ,效果满意。结论 牙外科正畸术是治疗成年人前牙列畸形的一种简便有效方法 。
Objective To summarize the clinical effect of surgical orthodontics. Methods Total 218 patients of adult occlucial malformation were treated with surgical orthodontics by drilling spatium and down fracture. The effects and the complications were analyzed. Results The facial malformation and abnormal occlusion were corrected, and the patients were satisfied after operation. Conclusions The surgical orthodontics is a simple and potential way to correct the occlucial malformation. The complications should be prevented in clinical practice.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology