
反义寡核苷酸对精氨酸升压素诱导心脏成纤维细胞β_1整合素表达的抑制作用 被引量:2

Antisense oligonucleotides inhibit the expression of β_1 integrin induced by arginine vasopressin in cardiac fibroblasts
摘要 目的 探讨反义寡核苷酸对精氨酸升压素 (AVP)诱导心脏成纤维细胞 (CFs) β1整合素表达及细胞增殖的影响 ,为防治AVP诱导的心肌纤维化提供理论依据。方法 设计合成反义、正义及错配 β1整合素寡核苷酸片段 ,转入体外培养的CFs中 ,采用原位ELISA技术检测不同状态下 β1整合素表达水平 ,应用四氮唑盐 (MTT)比色法检测细胞增殖。结果  (1)随着AVP浓度的增加 ,CFs表面β1整合素表达水平呈上升趋势 ,各实验组之间吸光度比较差异有显著意义 (F =4 93;P <0 0 1)。其中 1× 10 -7mol/LAVP和 1× 10 -6mol/LAVP组的CFsβ1整合素表达水平分别为 (0 2 5± 0 0 1)A值和(0 30± 0 0 4 )A值 ,均明显高于对照组的 (0 2 1± 0 0 2 )A值 ,差异有非常显著意义 (P <0 0 1) ;(2 )反义链 +AVP组的CFsβ1整合素表达水平为 (0 19± 0 0 2 )A值 ,反义链与AVP共同作用组明显低于AVP组的 (0 2 5± 0 0 1)A值 ,并有非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1)。正义链 +AVP组和错配链 +AVP组的CFsβ1整合素表达水平分别为 (0 2 5± 0 0 1)和 (0 2 5± 0 0 2 )A值 ,均明显高于反义链与AVP共同作用组 (P <0 0 1)。 (3)空白对照组、AVP组、反义链 +AVP组、正义链 +AVP组和错配链 +AVP组CFsMTT法分别为 (0 36± 0 0 1)OD值。 Objective To develop a new way for preventing cardiac fibrosis, antisense oligonucleotides were applied to modulate the expression of β 1 integrin and cell proliferation induced by argipressin(AVP) in cardiac fibroblasts.Methods ELISA technique was used to detect the expression of β 1 integrin.Phosphorothioate modified antisense, sense and mismatched oligonucleotides were used to interfere with the expression of β 1 integrin.MTT assay was used to measure cell proliferation.Results (1) AVP prominently induced the expression of β 1 integrin on cardiac fibroblasts in a dose dependent manner.After 1×10 -7 mol/L AVP and 1×10 -6 mol/L AVP were added, the absorption value by ELISA were (0.25±0.01)and (0.30±0.04),respectively.Both were significantly higher than that of control (P<0.01).The expression of β 1 integrin in 1×10 -6mol/L AVP group was also higher than those in 1×10 -9mol/L AVP group(0.24±0.03)and 1×10 -8mol/L AVP group(0.24±0.03),respectively.(2) The absorption value of AVP group, sense oligonucleotides+AVP group and mismatched oligonucleotides+AVP group were (0.25±0.01),(0.25±0.01)and (0.25±0.02), respectively.They all had significantly higher level of β 1 integrin compared with that of cardiac fibroblasts treated with antisense oligonucleotides(0.19±0.02,P<0.01).(3)OD value of control, AVP group, antisense oligonucleotides+AVP group, sense oligonucleotides+AVP group and mismatched oligonucleotides+AVP group measured with MTT assay were (0.36±0.01), (0.38±0.02), (0.35±0.03), (0.38±0.02) and (0.38±0.01), respectively.OD value of antisense oligonucleotides+AVP group was significantly lower fthose of AVP, sense oligonucleotides+AVP and mismatched oligonucleotides+AVP groups(P<0.05). Conclusions Antisense oligonucleotides may reverse the expression of β 1 integrin and cell proliferation promoted by AVP in cardiac fibroblasts, whereas those treated with sense and mismatched oligonucleotides may not.Antisense technology may be useful for dealing with matrix remodeling.
出处 《中华心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期523-527,共5页 Chinese Journal of Cardiology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划 ( 973 )资助课题 (G2 0 0 0 5 70 0 4) 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目资助课题 2 0 0 2K10 - G1( 2 3 )
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