用XPS研究了Ti32Mo在 70℃、4mol/L盐酸溶液阳极电位为 0 2V和 0 9V时的钝化膜结构和组成 .结果表明 ,钝化膜是由表层和过渡层组成的双层结构 .对于阳极电位为 0 2V的试样 ,钝化膜富集因子 f(Mo)随溅射深度增加 ,由最外层的 1 75变化到 8nm时的 1 4 0 ;而对于阳极电位为 0 9V的试样 ,钝化膜富集因子 f(Mo)在 1 32~ 1 4 2之间变化 .钝化膜的表层可成Ⅰ和Ⅱ两个亚层 ,其组成主要是Ti和Mo不同价态的氧化物。
The composition and structure of passive films formed on Ti32Mo at different anodic polarization potentials (0.2V and 0.9V (vs.SCE)) in 70℃?4 mol/L HCl solution have been studied by XPS.It was found that the passive films were composed of an outer layer and an inner layer.The enrichment factor of Mo on the outermost layer for the sample formed at 0.2V is 1.75,and the then decrease to 1 40 at a depth 8 nm.The enrichment factor of Mo f (Mo) for the sample formed at 0.9V is varied between 1.32~1.42.The outer layer can be divided into two sub-layers.The passive films are consisted of a titanium-molybdenum compound containing oxide,hydroxide and chloride.
Corrosion Science and Protection Technology