TCA785是德国西门子公司生产的一种性能优秀的移相控制芯片 ,该器件具有温度适应范围宽 ,对过零点的识别更加可靠 ,输出脉冲的整齐度更好 ,移相范围更宽等优点 ,此外 ,由于TCA785的输出脉冲宽度可以手动自由调节 ,因此 ,该器件可广泛应用在晶闸管控制系统中。文章根据TCA785芯片的使用特点以及在逆变器实际运用中可能出现的一些问题 。
TCA785 is a good kind of phase control IC.Its temperature range is wide.And it is reliable for the identification of zero-crossing,the range of phase shift is very wide. In addition,the width of output pulse is hand-adjusted freely,so its widely used in thyristor's control system.Based on the problems found in an inverter, some improvements of TCA785's application methods are proposed.
International Electronic Elements