2 0世纪 4 0年代在中国社会兴起的自由主义政治思潮 ,是中国现代史上自由主义思想的一次最集中的展示 ,也是中国自由主义的绝唱 ,但中国的自由主义“先天不足 ,后天失调” ,既与中国传统文化具有异质性 ,又疏远中国的“社会现实”。由于自由主义生长发育的主客观条件的缺失 ,使得自由主义在中国步履维艰 ,2 0世纪 4 0年代虽盛极一时 ,但昙花一现。尽管如此 ,2 0世纪 4 0年代的自由主义政治思潮并非一无是处 ,任何人都不能否认对自由追求的合理性 ,很多有价值的东西 ,需要相当一段历史时间才能看清楚。作为一笔宝贵的思想遗产 ,2 0世纪 4 0年代的自由主义政治思想 。
The trend of thought which sprang up in the 1940's in China was a concentrated reflection of liberalism in Chinese contemporary history and it was also the acme of Chinese liberalism. However Chinese liberalism suffered from inherent and postnatal defects (shortages). It not only had different from Chinese traditional culture , but also drifted apart from Chinese social reality at that time. Subjective and objective conditions developed with difficulty. In the 1940's liberalism was the fashion for a time , but it was only as short-lived as the broad -leaved epiphyllum. Even so Chinese liberalism is not actually without a single redeeming feature. Nobody will deny its reasonable aspects of pursuing freedom. Many worthful things need a longtime to be seen clearly. So as valuable ideological legacy of history, the political liberalism thought in the 1940's is worthy of being criticized and used as a reference.
Seeking Truth