城市化广泛传播了城市生活方式和罗马文化 ,促进了帝国社会和文化转型。扩大了帝国的统治基础 ,建立起一套行之有效的城市自治制度 ,解决了兵源和官吏短缺问题 ,巩固了帝国在行省的统治 ,促进了帝国城市经济的发展 ,加速了西欧凯尔特人的文明开化 ;发达的道路交通系统加速了基督教的传播。但是政治因素的介入和过度忽视经济基础的作用 ,片面追求生活方式城市化 ,造成城市财政困难 。
Widespread urban way of life and culture of Rome promoted the change of the society and culture of Empire. Urbanization not only made the basis of Empire enlarged, but set up an effective autonomous system of municipality and went with the lack of the soldiers and officers, as well as strengthened the control of the provinces. Hence, at large it promoted the development of economy of the cities in Empire. It accelerated the breaking of the tribal system of the Celtic area of the West Europe. The Roman Road System quickly accelerated the life and diffusion of Christian Church. However, political factors evading widely into the development of Urbanism and negative effects of the luxury mode of consume brought astray the development of urbanization, and overly enlarged the burden of finance of cities and weakened the basis of Empire.