陆侃如先生本是一位既能因材施教 ,又是诲人不倦的才学兼备的校领导和名教授 ,不幸的是 ,正值中年 ,遭遇“错划” ,直到老年 ,尽管总是在教学、科研前沿 ,不计个人得失 ,一心一意为学子 ,却蒙受了种种不白之冤乃至诸般恶谥……本文旨在为老师辨白“正名” ,此其一 ;其二 ,纵有名师指点 ,亦需触类旁通 ,举一反三 ,注重发挥自身能动和灵感 ,遂可望在科研。
Mr. Lu Kanru was a university leader as well as famous professor with good talent and knowledge who both taught students in accordance with their aptitude and was tireless in teaching others .Unfortunately, he encountered “Cuo Hua”( namely he was wrongly regarded as a righty in his midlife . Although he was always in the front line of teaching and scientific research till his agedness, taking no account of his own gain and loss with undivided attention to students, he incurred various injustices as well as all kinds of vilifications. The purport in this paper is to vindicate and resume the primary features of Mr. Lu, and to show the fact that despite the directions given by famous master, we still need to comprehend by analogy, and to draw inferences about other cases from one instance, and to pay attention to exerting our own initiations and inspirations, so that we can get originalities and innovations in scientific research, writing and other work.
Wen Xin Diao Long
Lu Kanru
inspired thinking