

The application of chimeric virus in research on the Flavivirus
摘要 嵌合病毒技术是用于RNA病毒研究的一个重要技术,近十年来在黄热病毒属病毒的研究中,构建了一些型内及型间的嵌合病毒,不仅有利于该属病毒的分子机制研究,更重要的是研制出一些新型减毒活疫苗。本文简单介绍该技术的原理、构建、影响因素、应用前景等。 The technique of chimeric virus is a useful tool to the research on RNA virus.a series of innertypic and inter-typic chimeric virus were constructed in the last ten years,which can not only help to understand the molecular mecha-nism,but also enhance the development of new attenuated vaccine.In this article,the principle,construction,influence factor and application of this technique were described.
作者 黄莺 俞炜源
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2004年第1期53-56,82,共5页 Letters in Biotechnology
关键词 嵌合病毒 黄热病毒属 RNA病毒 减毒活疫苗 chimeric virus Flavivirus
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