象征主义诉诸主观幻觉、艺术想象、暗示启发和人的内心精神世界 ,并以象征方法暗示作品的主题和事物的发展 ,表达隐蔽的思想情绪和抽象的人生哲理。梅特林克在法国诗歌与象征主义萌芽的基础上 ,对象征主义进行改造和发挥 ,使象征主义诗歌和戏剧晦涩迷离的妙用贯穿自己作品的始终 ,使象征主义的神秘主义色彩和颓废悲观情调在科学散文中得到清晰的宣泄。
Symbolism appeals to illusions, imagery, suggestions and the human insights to hint the development of themes and to unveil abstract concepts. Based on French poetry and the then budding symbolism, Maeterlinck reformed and made fine use of symbolic devices and succeeded in characterizing his scientific wrivting with the mysterious cotor and pessimistic tone of symbolism.
Journal of South China Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)