印度的社会主义运动在经历了由苏东剧变造成的一个短暂的震荡后继续向前发展 ,特别是印共 (马 )的力量发展较快。印共 (马 )对社会主义充满必胜信念 ,坚持独立自主地探索适合印度国情的社会主义道路 ,实行积极的统一战线政策和较彻底的土地改革政策 ,巩固和健全乡村评议会制度 ,推行新工业政策和各项有利于人民群众的政策。自 1 977年以来 ,以印共 (马 )为首的左翼阵线在西孟加拉邦连续执政达 2 6年之久 ,印共 (马 )还在喀拉拉邦和特里普拉邦等邦连续或多次执政。印度社会主义运动的发展 ,对正处于困境中的广大发展中国家的共产党有着重要的启示 ,这就是要坚持正确的理论和方向 ,独立自主地探索适应本国国情的革命和建设道路 ,制定并执行合理的内外政策 ,采取适当的措施教育引导广大党员。
The Indian socialist movement continues to make progress after a short period of disorder caused by the dismantling of socialism in Soviet Union and East Europe. In paticular, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) is growing stronger and stronger. The CPI(M) has strong faith in the victory of socialism over capitalism and persists in seeking independently the socialist path for India and formulating its internal and foreign policies. The CPI(M) has rich experience in states ruling and has been in office in West Bengal for 26 years since 1977. Moreover, the CPI(M) led the state governments in Kerala and Tripura for many times. The Communist Parties of developing counties who are in difficult situations will sure draw inspiration from Indian socialist movement.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
国家社会科学基金"十五"规划重点项目"社会主义发展的历史进程研究"(0 1AKS0 0 3)